Practical Tactical Plus - Our Capabilities
Mon. Through Fri: 11am to 7pm
Sat: 10am to 8pm
Sun: 12pm - 6pm
(573) 655-4444
1 Industrial Drive
La Grange, MO 63448
Practical Tactical Plus is certified in MO POST Law Enforcement firearm instruction

This Isn't Your Dad's Backyard Pistol Range

Explore our indoor shooting range in La Grange, MO

When you're looking for an indoor shooting range, why wouldn't you choose the most well-equipped facility in the area? Practical Tactical Plus LLC is a state-of-the-art rifle and pistol range in La Grange, Missouri designed by Range Systems. Our space includes complete protection for hand guns and rifle rounds up to 0.300 and 0.338 caliber.

Our range is safe, clean and quiet due to our granular rubber bullet trap and ballistic rubber panels that line all interior walls. You can enjoy a rifle and pistol range with superior ventilation and indoor air quality. Plus, our shooting lanes include built-in ADA-accessible shooting benches, complete with a storage shelf.

Our space is the only indoor shooting range within 600 miles. You'll come for the location, but come back for the exceptional facility. Shoot at Practical Tactical Plus in La Grange, Missouri today.

Check out our top-quality features

What can you expect when you visit our indoor shooting range? Some of our most noteworthy elements include:

  • Premium lane dividers – these dividers are made with steel and ballistic rubber or rifle-rated ballistic glass to protect shooters while providing visibility. Brass deflection guards prevent casings from flying to adjoining lanes, while muzzle blast shields reduce sound.

  • Two live-fire video simulators – this interactive target simulator allows you to choose amongst 16 live-action scenarios with moving targets. You can choose from advanced "shoot/don't shoot" drills to zombie hunts.

  • Target retrieval system – this seven-centimeter touch screen is pre-set with custom target distances, drills and scenarios. Its features include adjustable LED lighting, target retrieval speeds up to 15 feet per second, 360-degree turning targets, carrier lights and a range officer assistance button.

  • We also offer Law Enforcement rifle & pistol qualifications

Learn more about our facility now by calling 573-655-4444.

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